About the author : bbmemesalon@gmail.com
Hi everyone who came to read this blog written by Koji Kuninaga. I am a hair stylist / Beauty Salon Owner of BB Meme Salon/Photographer in San Diego US. In this blog, I will explain my idea of hair designing [Less distorted hair designing] using [Bone Structure and Hair Flow Corrective Method
こんにちは皆さん、ブログにたどり着いた皆さん。私は2005年に渡米して、アメリカはサンディエゴの美容室BB Meme Salonを開業、現在二店舗のオーナであり、ヘアスタイリスト、そしてプロフォトグラファー日々活躍中です。このブログでは、私のヘアーデザインのアイデア「Less Distorted Hair Designing」を、「骨格構造と毛流れ補正法」を使って説明していきます。
Personal Beauty Concept
It is said that humans have existed for only about 500 generations. Some apes consumed mushrooms, and the continuous stimulation from this altered their brains, gradually increasing the size to around 1000g. However, their bodies remained mostly unchanged. Eventually, we invented stone tools to hunt animals from a distance, which eliminated the need to climb trees. Instead, observing the surroundings and being able to run quickly while maintaining posture became more important. Bipedalism provided us with a better balance to support our larger brains, making it the ideal adaptation for our high-intelligence lifestyle. As a result, our body shape began to evolve into our current posture. This is what is described in human evolution studies.
Do you agree? Some hairstyles appear wild because their shapes make us resemble apes, and some people with slightly slanted foreheads have features that resemble those of monkeys. This observation led me to question what makes us look the way we do and the reasons behind it.
Then, I discovered a study called the “Personal Beauty Concept.” Founded in Japan around the 1700s, this study aimed to identify the most suitable kimono designs for different occasions. My interest was sparked by a small part of this study that focused on hair form: specifically, how different hairlines and shapes affect our perceived age. This research is even used by Kabuki actors to decide which wigs best suit their stage characters, highlighting the importance of hair in defining appearance. Even just this portion of the study was filled with detailed insights.
The theory of “Personal Beauty Concept” is a systematic approach that seeks to uncover the secrets of human existence and beauty by illuminating various scientific fields—including physiology, embryology, physics, and color theory—from different perspectives.
This photo captures a performance in San Diego, CA, and there’s a fault in the coordination of the wig. She is wearing a “long-sleeve” kimono, which indicates that her age bracket is under 20 and before marriage in this era. However, the wig features a widow’s peak on her forehead, a choice that makes her appear older and wiser than she is supposed to be in this performance. Hairlines play a critical role in defining age and personality. Also, our personalities are influenced by the genetic information encoded in our cells, and our DNA also shapes our body structure. There are also ways to make ones character different than what really is by changing our hair shapes.
Understanding how to complement these natural forms with suitable hair designs left a strong impression on me. I was captivated by how meticulously our appearance has been studied. I was so fascinated that I even asked a friend to copy the entire textbook she had. For instance, the study detailed how specific kimono prints should be matched with particular Obi ( belts), and the reasoning behind each combination. This taught me that fashion and hair design must involve an academic aspect to achieve authenticity.
The textbook also included a section on makeup, particularly focusing on line balance and coordination, which reminded me of the intricate work of M.C. Escher. It became clear to me that as hair professionals, we need to understand makeup because we work with people’s faces. Discussing facial balance without knowing how makeup artists determine their balance points is incomplete.
This Blog [Less Distorted Hair Designing] will be published every first of the month and 15th of the month.
Written by Koji Kuninaga
1727 University Ave. San Diego CA 92103
***************************************************************************************************** We are a full-service Salon San Diego where we provide you with haircutting, hair color, such as ombre balayage, and highlights. Also nail service with Reiki to boost your spiritual growth. Our Esthetician for Facials includes anti-aging, acne, cleansers, and more for you to achieve your own needs.
All this at BB Meme Salon, We provide you with knowledge for each service done to you, so you’ll leave the salon confident to look your best.
Parking In the back of the salon!
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