About the author : bbmemesalon@gmail.com
Hi everyone who came to read this blog written by Koji Kuninaga. I am a hair stylist / Beauty Salon Owner of BB Meme Salon/Photographer in San Diego US. In this blog, I will explain my idea of hair designing [Less distorted hair designing] using [Bone Structure and Hair Flow Corrective Method].
こんにちは皆さん、ブログにたどり着いた皆さん。私は2005年に渡米して、アメリカはサンディエゴの美容室BB Meme Salonを開業、現在二店舗のオーナであり、ヘアスタイリスト、そしてプロフォトグラファー日々活躍中です。このブログでは、私のヘアーデザインのアイデア「Less Distorted Hair Designing」を、「骨格構造と毛流れ補正法」を使って説明していきます。
What the Tea ceremony taught me went beyond the use of our joints; it opened my eyes to the concept of lines and the stories they tell. A line is more than a trace of action—it contains the essence of that action and can evoke emotions. One example I loved was the arch created by the water scoop, which I often observed from above. It brought a sense of calm to my mind. Each time I rotated the bamboo whisk (Chasen), I felt as if I were being drawn into the motion. The gentle sound of the Shishi Otoshi added to the experience.
Initially, spending over $10,000 on a tea cup seemed foolish to me, just as it might to others. But as I delved deeper, I began to understand why prices for beauty salons plummeted after the Great Recession, while the value of the Tea ceremony remained unchanged. The Tea ceremony’s worth is rooted in its artistic discipline, built on centuries of practice.
I dedicated myself to mastering Sassoon basics—understanding why and how each method was created and exploring why they were challenging for many Japanese people to adopt. Simultaneously, I sought out timeless art forms that had retained their value over centuries, visiting any opportunity I had to see famous painters’ works. It was during this exploration that I encountered the art of M.C. Escher. I boarded a blue bullet train to visit an Escher exhibit, and there I found a new world of wonder.
茶道で学んだことは、関節の使い方に加え、線の概念とそれが語る物語に目を開かせてくれました。線は単なる点の軌跡ではなく、その動作の本質を含み、感情を呼び起こすことができます。私が特に好きだったのは、杓子で作られる弧で、上から眺めるとるとそれはとても美しいもので、それは心に安らぎをももたらしました。竹の whisk(茶筅)を回すたびに、その動きに引き込まれるような感覚を覚えました。Shishi Otoshi(鹿おとし)の優しい音も体験を豊かにしました。
最初は、茶碗に1万ドル以上を使うのは愚かだと感じましたが、深く掘り下げるうちに、なぜ大不況後に美容室の価格が急落した一方で、茶道の価値は変わらなかったのかが理解できるようになりました。茶道の価値は、数世代にわたる芸術的な discipline(規律)に根ざしているからです。
Why does the water in Escher’s art appear to flow upward?
Why do objects of the same measurements seem to have different volumes?
Why do two lines look like different lengths when a shape is added to their edges?
Escher’s work was filled with excitement and surprises in its shapes and lines. This experience gave me a newfound purpose in hair design. It inspired me to create what doesn’t yet exist and to extend forms in unique ways. Just as Escher manipulated balance to play with perception, I realized I could use these principles in my own designs—creating harmony by removing what is out of balance.
However, I understood that working with hair is far more challenging when it comes to expanding or reducing the existing form. We are not drawing on a sketchbook with a pencil, nor can we use an eraser. But even with these limitations, the same visual tricks can be applied to hair design—making lines appear longer or altering perceptions of form.
This Blog [Less Distorted Hair Designing] will be published every first of the month and 15th of the month.
Written by Koji Kuninaga
1727 University Ave. San Diego CA 92103
***************************************************************************************************** We are a full-service Salon San Diego where we provide you with haircutting, hair color, such as ombre balayage, and highlights. Also nail service with Reiki to boost your spiritual growth. Our Esthetician for Facials includes anti-aging, acne, cleansers, and more for you to achieve your own needs.
All this at BB Meme Salon, We provide you with knowledge for each service done to you, so you’ll leave the salon confident to look your best.
Parking In the back of the salon!
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