About the author : bbmemesalon@gmail.com
Hi everyone who came to read this blog written by Koji Kuninaga. I am a hair stylist / Beauty Salon Owner of BB Meme Salon /Photographer in San Diego US. In this blog, I will explain my idea of hair designing [Less distorted hair designing] using [Bone Structure and Hair Flow Corrective Method]
こんにちは皆さん、ブログにたどり着いた皆さん。私は2005年に渡米して、アメリカはサンディエゴの美容室BB Meme Salonを開業、現在二店舗のオーナであり、ヘアスタイリスト、そしてプロフォトグラファー日々活躍中です。このブログでは、私のヘアーデザインのアイデア「Less Distorted Hair Designing」を、「骨格構造と毛流れ補正法」を使って説明していきます。
Universe in my arms
I didn’t mention it earlier, but the reason I decided to become a hairdresser was my plan to move to the US during high school. I gave up on my goal of becoming a professional singer after losing in the Jr. Rock Contest at the Hiroshima final stage. I needed a good excuse for not challenging the college exams, and by September, it was already too late to reconsider.
Anyway, I continued my career despite having second thoughts, and now my dream came true in 2006—I moved to the US at age 37.
My senior tasked me with creating a collection of 12 basic haircut designs for Peek A Boo Salon Tokyo. The owner of the salon was the inventor of the famous SASOON design collection, known as “The BOX BOB.” Yes, I encountered the Sassoon Method at age 32! Although it was a slightly dated design compared to current trends, It happened to be a key to understand the true essence of our specialty
話し忘れてましたが、私が美容師になる決意をした理由はとっても不純な動機です。高校時代にアメリカに移住する計画があったからです。広島の最終ステージでの Jr. Rock Contest に敗れた後、プロの歌手になる目標を諦めることになりました。大学受験に挑戦しない理由が必要だったため、受験をするには時すでに遅しだったのです。この時の取り残された感情は今でも時々夢に見ます
私の先輩から、Peek A Boo Salon Tokyo の12種類の基本ヘアカットデザインのコレクションを作成するように依頼されました。このサロンのオーナーは日本では有名な川島文夫、SASOONロンドンではアートディレクターまで上り詰め、デザインコレクション「BOX BOB」の発案者としても有名です。私は32歳でサスーンメソッドに出会いました! 現在のトレンドと比べると少し古いデザインでしたが、私たちの専門性の本質を理解する鍵となりました。
Because I took too much class from too many instructors, I fed up with all those people who called themselves “NEW.” “THE NEW” didn’t promise that they were better or even correct. In fact, many of them were just flashy and useless. Elders and colleagues looked at me strangely for joining the practices of newbies. “Senseis” don’t need to practice anymore; they are just too skilled at what they do. I realized there was still so much to discover beyond what I learned from Dr. Marten, Mugle, and after an accident. There’s much deeper understanding in what we do.
Another stroke of luck came when I was struggling to understand SASOON. The former director at Peek A Boo Aoyama was coming to Hiroshima to hold a teaching session. At this point of my career, I already knew that those who were properly trained were the humble and eager to learn more. The results were obvious. This session wasn’t cheap, but I took four three-day classes before leaving for the US. The technique, “Start shorter, end longer,” creates hair flow that extends farther from your standing point. Most of his haircuts were done using the “Three Sectioning Method.” You lift your elbow so that your entire arm acts as a ruler for your lines.
There was so much to learn. I had been searching for “NEW” and had left principles behind. One of the most important things he taught me was
” Different styles emerge even when using the same haircut process because every person’s head shape is slightly different.”
“Embrace the universe while you are holding scissors and panels.
My world of hair cut had expanded wider by his words.
一度に沢山のインストラクター達のクラスをうけた為に、「NEW」と自称する人たちにはすっかりうんざりしていました。「THE NEW」とは、必ずしも良いものや正しいものを約束するわけではありません。実際、多くはただ派手で役に立たないものでした。年長の先輩たちは、新人の練習に参加する私を奇妙に見ていました。「先生たちはもう練習する必要がない」と言いますが、彼らはただあまりにも熟練しすぎているだけです。Dr. Marten、Mugle、そして事故を経て学んだこと以上に、まだまだ発見することがたくさんあるとに私は気づきいていました。私たちがやっていることにはもっと深みがあるのです。
SASOONを理解しようと奮闘していた時、また幸運が訪れました。Peek A Boo Aoyamaの元ディレクターが町に来て、広島で教室を開くことになったのです。僕はその時点の美容人生で、正しく訓練を受けた人たちは謙虚で学ぶ意欲が高いことをすでに知っていました。結果は明らかでした。このセッションは安くはありませんでしたが、アメリカに出発する前に四回、三日間のクラスを受けました。「短く始めて、長く終わる」というレイヤー技術は、立っている位置がオーバーダイレクションのの始点であるSasoonの理論を伝えていました。彼のヘアカットの多くは「三分割法」を使って行われ、肘を上げて、腕全体を定規としてラインを作ります。
This Blog [Less Distorted Hair Designing] will be published every first of the month and 15th of the month.
Written by Koji Kuninaga
1727 University Ave. San Diego CA 92103
***************************************************************************************************** We are a full-service Salon San Diego where we provide you with haircutting, hair color, such as ombre balayage, and highlights. Also nail service with Reiki to boost your spiritual growth. Our Esthetician for Facials includes anti-aging, acne, cleansers, and more for you to achieve your own needs.
All this at BB Meme Salon, We provide you with knowledge for each service done to you, so you’ll leave the salon confident to look your best.
Parking In the back of the salon!
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